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Lucianos Italian Restaurant

8.2 / 10

closed today

Italian restaurant  
Our restaurant has been family owned and operated since 1987. Our restaurant has been family owned and operated by Luciano, Rosa and their three children since 1987. We work hard every day to serve outstanding Italian Cuisine from both the north and south. You will taste quality and freshness in every dish. Update description

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Popularity of Lucianos Italian Restaurant

Lucianos Italian Restaurant Social Media Popularity Score:
8.2 / 10
  This value is based on the number of visitors, checkins, and likes on Facebook in the last few months.
Most activity in April:
Lucianos Italian Restaurant has a total of 33769 visitors (checkins) and 9345 likes.
20 reviews of Lucianos Italian Restaurant. Average grade 4.5 av 5.